Michelle Walling, CHLC – Ascension – How to Emerge on the Other Side of Chaos – Back To Basics of Raising our Vibration, Clearing Negativity, Going Within – Center ourselves, Clear our Energy, Ground ourselves to Mother Earth – 4-4-14

cosmic children





By Michelle Walling, CHLC

As we awoke from our slumber we read books, attended seminars, went to psychics and channelers, and found ourselves further down the rabbit hole. Within the rabbit hole, we explored new tendrils and passageways and we followed advice until we exhausted ourselves. We look at what is happening in the world and we wonder why we have not ascended. We find ourselves asking, “How can we finally shift out of this reality”?


Spiritual awakening history

There is a small population of people on the planet that have been awakened for more than twenty years or more. They are the way-showers and leaders on humanity’s trek toward enlightenment. The practices that they used twenty years ago were appropriate for the vibration of the people and the planet at that time. Amongst other important tasks, these people have worked with opening up stargates and vortexes which allow for the planet to breathe deep during her labor pains.

More people have awakened in the last twenty years and there have been more “progressive” methods of spiritual advancement that have acclimated to the vibrations of people as we have experienced the “quickening”. These people have been the teachers and leaders of various awakening movements and have written many books and provided countless lectures that were appropriate for the preparation of the times we are now in.

There is a large group of people that have awakened in the last five years or so that have been able to advance so quickly that what used to take someone five years might occur in a month or even a day, relatively speaking. Children are being born with amazing recollection of who they are as wise beings from the stars. A recent explosion of newly awakened people has brought us almost to the brink of extreme polarity on the planet where the showdown is occurring between the light and the dark in our experience. The intensity is palpable and we all feel like this can’t go on forever and something has to give soon.

Waves of light have been washing over the planet from our sun and our great central sun in order to gently push us along the path of awakening and to be responsible as human beings living on a conscious sentient being, Mother Earth. We are all supposed to “come together” and co-create a New Earth; one without hunger, government, or money. But how do we do that with so much diversity on the planet? Even the lightworkers and starseeds don’t see eye to eye all of the time. This reason for this of course is that we came from many different places and times, and we all forgot that we have a common goal that needs to be reached through individual inner work. We now realize that when what we are doing is not working, we need to stop and re-evaluate the basics that we have learned by extracting the simple pearls of wisdom.

Back to the start line via the finish line

The answer is simple in its terminology but difficult in its application. Many of us have come full circle, having learned so much but realizing that some of it simply wasn’t true or was propagated by the dark forces in order to distract us from what we need to do to optimize our light quotient. Many of us simply investigated so many ways of spiritual enlightenment that we forgot the basics of raising our vibration, clearing, and going within.

The best thing we can do for ourselves right now, in this time of extreme polarity and chaos is to center ourselves, clear our energy, and ground ourselves to Mother Earth.

Every day we are given a new energy with which to bathe in. Earth is raising her vibrations exponentially which is only relative to what the denseness of the planet was twenty years ago.

This is all part of the divine plan which involves vibrating apart those negative energies within Earth’s body and subsequently in the human body which will allow light to flood the space left behind. This expansion of space will allow for the light body to integrate with the physical body.

If this were to happen too fast, Earth could spew with many volcanoes and earthquakes that could potentially cause her to self destruct. The same thing is true of the human body. So day by day situations and challenges have presented themselves in our lives that show us that there are energies that still need to be cleared. Patterns of behavior and situation are repeated until we are able to identify and acknowledge the energies associated with them and let these energies go. This is called transmutation.

What does it mean to be “centered” and grounded?

The body has seven major chakras or energy centers that begin at the base of our spine and go up to the top of our head. There are many more minor chakras and energy vortexes but for this reference of alignment we will focus on the major ones. There is an invisible line called the hara line that runs through these chakras that connects us with Earth below and to our higher selves above.

To be centered means to change your awareness and consciousness from your head to your heart center and to consciously connect your heart center to your higher self through your hara line out through your crown chakra. This place of “being with ourselves” is the balance we need as we go through these changes with Mother Earth. This involves the practices of mediation for deep connection and discernment through every day choices. In your heart you are more able to connect with your higher self in order to make proactive choices rather than responsive choices as you begin to learn to stand in your power. Your heart controls your body’s reactions to truth, so paying close attention to those reactions is the key to discernment.

To ground means to connect with Mother Earth through your grounding chakra. Imagination is a very powerful when grounding. Imagine yourself as a tree and your legs and feet are roots planted deep into the crust of the earth. Another analogy is to imagine your hara line runs directly from your base chakra down to the iron core of the planet, and gently and wraps its arms around it. Some people are instantly grounded when their bare feet touch Earth’s green grass or when they hug a tree or swim in Earth’s glorious water. Eight methods of grounding can be found here.

The Hopi prophecy relative to the heart center

Within our heart we can emerge on the other side of chaos in “no time”. There is no suffering there, no pain, no lies, and no tyranny. It may be the metaphor for the Hopi statement about what to do during the three days of darkness during a pole shift- “go into your pueblo, draw your curtains, and pray”. In metaphorical terms and in dream interpretation, a house symbolizes our body. In this case, it makes sense that you would go within your body and pray or meditate in this holy space. The pole shift they were referring to may be a magnetic pole shift, or the “Zero point” that Gregg Braden discusses.  The zero point would be a period of time existing in the “void” or the space between which represents dark matter.

This time is not only upon us but may have been intentionally delayed by forces of the light in order to help more of humanity awaken to the truth of what has occurred in our history and to make the choice to free themselves from tyranny by coming into their power as a sovereign free willed being. This sovereignty has never been revoked as this Universe exists in a Law of Free Will.

We are in fact these forces of light and we have come from various places of time and space to assist in our mission of ascension by integrating our light body with the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies this time around. We sent forth aspects of ourselves in order to remember how to safely bring this soul essence into the physical body. This new physical being is the first of its kind in our Universe.

Everything has to be in place as part of the plan

All dimensions attached to the third through the fourth, fifth, and higher have to be perfectly in alignment, like perfectly matched pancakes in order for us to be able to ascend with our bodies. Because this has never been done before, we are making up the time frames and rules as we go. Our moves are based on strategic moves that balance out what the dark is doing relative to what the light quotient is of humanity; relative to how long Mother Earth can hold in her baby, the New Earth.

The dark forces have to hit extreme polarity in order for the veil of illusions to fall. We all know that is right around the corner. It seems that it can’t possibly get too much worse. There are also people working on the planet who are clearing dark forces that have remained hidden and as each large shift the planet makes with solar flares and CME’s, these forces are being uncovered. This of course was all part of the plan in patience so that all dark forces will be revealed and dealt with. Rest assured that they are being dealt with by being sent back home or by being reconstituted into the energy source from which they came. With this being said, any interference you clear within yourself is also representative of the macrocosm of clearing our Universe.

Although humanity is one big family of oneness, we also have the freedom of individual expression on this planet. We also exhibited this uniqueness on other planets before we came to incarnate here. Because of the free will of a soul to educate itself and take a certain time frame to ascend back to oneness, there are also different levels of advancement only relative to space and time that each individual is following. In “no time” it seems that everyone has already found their way home. But in the illusion of space and time, some have advanced knowledge that is deemed necessary for the advancement of human civilization.

Some people who have extremely crucial roles to play in this lifetime have been targeted by the dark. They were either implanted with devices that would try to keep them from raising their vibration  or they were targeted through other means such as ELF frequencies and various apparatus triggered by HAARP and GMOS etc. There are ways to deal with these implants professionally through implant removal sessions. However, if you are successful in going within, centering yourself, and bringing in light from your monad, these implants will be deemed ineffective as they cannot exist in a body of light. Hard core determination and faith is required to rise above these dark forces, but you knew you would be able to do this before incarnating into your body.

Other people that have extremely important roles to play are surrounded and protected by a plethora of angels that helped to hide their identity as they passed through the “vibration detector” of the dark forces upon incarnation. These people are no more important to humanity as a whole, but have volunteered for the most difficult assignments in order to play a very specific role in the light’s strategy. Not all of these people have awakened to their roles but 2014 will be the year that most of them step forward and play catch up.

Faith goes a long way

We have nothing to lose in having faith that there is a divine plan underway and that those of us who chose ascension at this time will have the opportunity to choose it in his or her reality. If you think that the dark forces had an ingenious plan, wait until you remember what our plan is!

Although it is helpful to gather information from articles, channelers, and psychics, the exact plans of the light forces will not be disclosed until it is the final chess move. This move will be the exposition of the dark forces, the truth about our history on the planet, the truth about our history before we came to earth, and the truth that we all are as an aspect of Creator Source. This will be shown to us within our heart space. Don’t miss the show- have faith in the plan and those beings of light that are working on the other side, faith in humanity, and faith in yourself as a divine co-creator.

Remember, we have already shifted and a part of our energy lies within the new reality. We are walking a tightrope and on the other end is a masked minion trying to knock us off. What the minion does not know is that we can bounce up and down harder than it without worrying about falling off because we have a net underneath us and it does not. Our net is the knowing that we live on after we leave this body. The minion’s lack of net represents needing our energy in order to survive. Patience will be the winning force this time around.

Author’s note: Special thanks to my client from the east coast who inspired me to write this article based on her holistic life coach session with me. I witnessed the core essence of needing to go back to basics and to change the focus from the head to the heart. I am grateful to the Universe for providing this message to me as it is such an important part of being able to deal with the dark forces at this time.

About the author: Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for www.in5d.com.  Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in 2014-2015 in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website is CosmicStarseeds.com. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked on the website MichelleWalling.com. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which states that this article can be reproduced in full or part as long as the appropriate credit is indicate if changes were made.




Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

4 thoughts on “Michelle Walling, CHLC – Ascension – How to Emerge on the Other Side of Chaos – Back To Basics of Raising our Vibration, Clearing Negativity, Going Within – Center ourselves, Clear our Energy, Ground ourselves to Mother Earth – 4-4-14”

  1. Dear Michelle,

    We are all appreciative of your creative work. Our Ascension is our Sacred Mission. Your presentations brings us all closer to being One Humanity aligned with All That Is.
    Thank you for your love an generosity!

    Duane Peck


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