Judy Satori – Emotional Clearing Technique

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This video by Judy Satori, offers a very simple technique to ease emotional issues, fear and anxiety. More free activations and blessings can be found at http://www.thesoundoflight.com/

Judy Satori has been spiritually trained and physically prepared by the Elohim, the creator aspect of God and the higher dimensional Councils of Light as a spiritual teacher and energy healer working with sound. She speaks very fast frequencies of sound and light, ‘Light Language’ energy words, transmitted from the Elohim and others of the spiritual hierarchy that instill upgraded vibratory energy patterns into the cells and DNA template of the body. These energy patterns literally rewire the body energetically and recode the DNA, acting as a catalyst to create the physical and consciousness changes required for life on a fifth dimensional Earth. She is the author of “Sunshine Before the Dawn”, telepathically transmitted by higher dimensional beings as being the true story of why we’re here on Earth.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

4 thoughts on “Judy Satori – Emotional Clearing Technique”

  1. I do not really care how or once i get the Letters in the Mail. Every time it arrives, it feels like a letter should be. It’s suddenly there in my mail box just one day. A awesome, tangible surprise. I am for you doing whatever you want when you send it. Mix it up for your persons who help get it sent out. Include crumbs from your lunch. Coffee stains. Whatever. Keep the tedious nature of getting letters out to a minimum by doing whatever you feel like that day. The arrival with the letter and the words in the author inside are what matters. Personally, what I like ideal about The Rumpus is that I hardly ever know what I’ll go through that day. Or if there isn’t really one that day, maybe it’s because Stephen couldn’t find anything to say or there was much too much heading on.


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