Love Your Body By Drinking Distilled Water!

by because it’s time to Wake Up!
From our Need to Know Topics – To see more topics and Need to Know subjects, just visit our site.

“As some of you may know, your pineal gland (also called the third eye by some) is responsible for producing Melatonin, melatonin is a hormone which as its primary function regulates the humans sleep-wake cycle, which inevitably also impacts your mood and emotions.  Now as you grow older and consume bad stuff (tap or bottled water, pop drinks, fluoride etc…) that will reduce the functionality of this pineal gland as it calcifies it so to say. When referring to the pineal gland as the third eye, well, a calcified eye will not see much.  Distilled water will help you clear and flush it out.  Not mentioning all the other things it will help you clean, detox and flush out of you!”

Distilled Water vs. Spring Water   –  A Kitchen Science Demonstration

ageingwellguide·102 videos   –   Dr. Cromack offers water education tips for staying healthy and hydrated

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.