Gold Ring 52B – Galactic Doorway


Gold Ring 52B Galactic Doorway –…

The GoldRing of Enlightenment & Abundance, Our Community is the GoldRing. KeterMagick, a talented and knowledgeable member of the GoldRing is the next candidate for the Initiations. Today she will speak about her mission and purpose, Intent & Declaration and then we will be taking her on a Vision Quest to bring guidance from the higher dimensions and embody them in Spirit form. Enjoy this heart to heart connection and telepathic harmonious alignment. The Initiations are part of the wiki website at where we share and express our desires and are building the GoldRing Media Group

The Mighty I AM Presence – Children Of The Sun – 5-29-14



The I AM Presence is another term for the Great God Self, your higher aspect that perfectly governs all activities of your life.


Thanks To Illuminations Blog   –


The “I AM Presence” is an electronic body of blazing light substance that is individualized within each of us as the flame of life from the Source of all creation, our beloved Mother-Father God.


This Presence is our true nature… that imperishable, eternal and individual identity within each and every human being. It is that which we have been seeking to return for millennia of lifetimes, the Great God Self.


As the highest divine aspect of our vast multidimensional constitution, the I AM Presence is the original seed of love and the immortal nucleus of our entire being.


It is the Source of every constructive impulse, thought, feeling and action. Its unifying, cohesive nature is the source of all the love, wisdom and power required to overcome absolutely anything and everything that is of discordance and limitation.


As we develop intimate relationship with and give constant adoration to our Divine Presence, miracles begin to happen including instant manifestation, spontaneous transformation and absolute knowing. This occurs simply through the constancy of our unwavering focus placed upon the Greater. In doing so, spiritual energy around us intensifies and expands as the points of light within every cell of our flesh body respond in tremendous gratitude.


As our attention continuously pours out love to this love of our being, an impenetrable radiance of light forms around our body encasing us in a protective tube of light of great magnetization and transformative influence to the outer world. God, expressing as the mighty I AM Presence within each of us, is the authority of the entire Universe.


The I AM Presence hears, sees, thinks, feels and responds to only perfection on its level of cosmic service. As we consistently give adoration, feel gratitude and qualify our every activity with and through this energy stream, our daily positive impact upon life is immeasurable.


This is especially amplified when our focus is consciously combined with all of the beings of light from ‘On High’ supporting our dimensional transition. Together we coherently serve as Universal I AM, operating within all cosmic dimensions and radiating the patterns of perfection.


We are SO blessed.


6b8613638742693cac73ae246b34f3a4 prana

The “I AM Presence” is an electronic body of blazing light substance that is individualized within each of us as the flame of life from the Source of all creation, our beloved Mother-Father God.


This Presence is our true nature… that imperishable, eternal and individual identity within each and every human being. It is that which we have been seeking to return for millennia of lifetimes, the Great God Self.


Please Continue Reading at Illuminations Blog.

Sheldan Nidle – Mentoring Consciousness – PAO Webinar 48 Preview

Sheldan Nidle·44 videos
Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar 48: Tuning In to Consciousness
To see the complete Webinar:

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Moving into Light of Higher Consciousness – Act as Enlightened Being in Daily Life – 4-7-14

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Hilarion: The Time is NOW to Move into the Light of Higher Consciousness, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, April 6, 2013 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before.

You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times.

Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and send light to assist all the people who live there.

You are the ones who are aware and must exercise your power by calling on the Angels for assistance and directing them to the areas where they are needed. Begin to observe the information communicated through the news media in a different way, not as passive observers but as enlightened beings who can take note of where the light is needed and direct it there immediately. Your input on a daily basis as you assign the Angels and helpers to chaotic areas of the world helps to stabilize those areas.

It only requires that you focus and call upon the forces of light to direct them to those areas. Understand that each of you has an army of light at your command and you can make a difference by sending these forces into volatile areas of the world when they are needed. Your intention to affect the highest outcomes wherever your focus is directed will bring harmony and your attention to this focus with dedication each day will create the lasting peace you so desire to experience on your world.

Send light to the natural kingdoms as they are an integral part of life upon this planet. Send light to everything upon your planet and do not forget to surround your loved ones, family members and pets with white light each and every day, surround your home, properties, vehicles, places of occupation, bank accounts and daily activities with the white light of protection each and every day.

You are the awakened ones and you are responsible for the area in your sphere on influence which can be many miles in diameter. Intend that this sphere of influence grows in radius each and every day so that a greater area is covered by your efforts. Intention is everything and you can do this! Be an open door for God’s light to be manifest in and through you. Maintain a vision of something better always, such as one great planet under God.

Throughout this year stay in your spiritual consciousness and know that your spirituality is what defines you. Do a weekly review to make improvements in your life so that your spiritual growth continues. Have you balanced all your karma, have you fulfilled all your soul contracts? Did you pass all your tests and initiations? Are your initiations completed?

This lifetime is your last lifetime upon Earth because this opportunity to experience life in a physical body on a planet of duality will not happen again and it is incumbent upon YOU to ensure that you complete everything your soul plan intended to complete. In any sticky situation or issue that comes up, ask yourself, “What am I teaching myself here?” “What is the highest outcome that can manifest here in this situation and what can I do to make it happen?”

Go beyond your human ego promptings and look at your life from the higher perspective. Do you want to create divisions in relationships that could be healed by overlooking the perceived transgressions of others? Will you let ego pride take control and create separations? Know that love is the answer in every situation and use this power in every facet of your existence and relationships with others. The bottom line is how much do you love?

Learn to love with the love of God who loves us all unconditionally with no judgement. Become the enlightened being that can rise above any situation and see a more loving perspective. Surrender and release all that no longer serves the path that you have chosen to walk. Resistance to the enlightened being that you really are is futile. Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!

The game has changed, Dear Ones. No longer can you sit on the fence reluctant to make a clear choice. The time is NOW to move into the light of higher consciousness with constancy in your heart. It must be done in every cell of your being. You are worthy of great things, know that every thing will work out and things will get better. You are blessed in more ways than you can imagine. The Universe supports you, all of life supports you and this is becoming more evident with each passing hour. You are a child of the Divine and your magnificent future awaits your attention and your intention. BE HERE NOW!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Pleiadians and the Arcturians – Invite Higher Spiritual Realms Into Consciousness – Divinity of Humans, Ainimals – Imagine Your New Future – – September-24-2013

Matt Muckleroy·1,008 videos

Abraham Hicks – Jesus – Higher Levels of Consciousness

vio77X·296 videos

Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop : San Diego – 2009.09.19 . All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:

Amplituhedron – A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics – Peoples Trust Toronto

Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions. Illustration by Andy Gilmore

Read full article at Peoples Trust Toronto

Mahima Rao – Communication with ETs – Higher Dimensional Entities

Mahima Rao·218 videos

Mahima Rao: Communication with ETs / Higher Dimensional Entities.

We can communicate with other dimensional being in the NOW. It’s all about how we see things and the perspective. when we shift it to the one that these beings are vibrating at we become one with them and the communication is easy. In order to understand and know and have information about anything that interests us we have to BECOME that in the NOW. Best explanation that flowed through me in this video really.

Find mahima rao here:

Russellian Science – Awakening Cosmic Consciousness – Divine Illumination

77GSlinger·587 videos

All words read herein are from the various works of Walter and Lao Russell. This unit explains Divine Illumination and Cosmic Consciousness both spiritually and scientifically. Divine Illumination, the ultimate goal of all mankind, which when understood and practiced, will bring about a real and true “civilization” of world brotherhood and sisterhood between all mankind.

The supreme mystics mentioned herein, are to give the example of what man can become through the knowledge and inspiration of the kingdom of heaven within himself. We do not endorse or support any single religion or belief system. We are simply stating that every man is as connected to the Creator as much as these so-called supreme mystics of antiquity, who are most likely mythological creations by the priest-craft who have controlled humanity for eons.

To the degree that you desire the light of illumination is to the degree you may express that power in your own creations and in your very being. This is the spiritual light of mind which the “profane”, may in no way approach or enter into. Be pure of heart. Seek, and you will find.

Produced by matt presti and Robert Otey

Addendum: My personal belief is that the Heart is the “Seat of the Soul”. I diverge here from Matt Presti’s belief that the Pineal Gland is the seat of the Soul. I have seen much more evidence which supports the Heart and I asked Frank Chester while filming his lecture at Steiner College on 5-16-12, whether he believed the heart or the Pineal Gland was the Seat of the Soul. Here is his response.

2013 – A Message of Realization to Humanity

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Explosion in consiousness is happening on planet Earth this very moment. Right now. Expanding like ripples in the ocean, where everyone are affected. This ripple is the earthquake of energies in the collective grid of consciousness to wake up from the slumber of experience in duality’s matrix of illusions and into oneness.

FACEBOOK Chemlin Production :…

Do you remember, FEEL, that you’re part of all that is?

Abraham : “Let’s start by saying. That matter, or manifestation is advanced thought. In other words. There’s thought, then there’s thought form, then there’s manifestation. Of course there are millions of incrementale steps inbetween all of that. But thats the general process. There’s thought, and thoughtform, which you call illusion, or even dreamstate. Then there’s manifestation. And all manifestation is, is energy thats being translated from many perceivers at the same time, who concur about what they’re perceiving.”

You’re a soul inhabiting a physical body and have for eons experienced all the limitations that’s possible to experience. The limitations set by the collective of humanity has ended. Expand, be, and know, litterally know that there’s no limits what so ever, unless you create them to be with your own mind. Unless you create that belief within you, so feels real, yet its an illusion, which many call blockage of your on thought programming. YOU create and chose what you want to think, feel, see, hear, taste and touch. YOU create the experience you want to, what you focus upon. The vibration of your energy makes the experience and perception of your choosing. BE in center of the vortex within you, and focus on living in the now of to be, for you are simply just so.

Realizing Mental Spheres Through Natural Mind

michelvec·457 videos

Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 2, Book of the Avatar by José Argüelles and Stephanie South


the publication of


I am writing today confirm that we, the Foundation for the Law of Time, authorize your usage of the Cosmic History Chronicles on All we ask is that you please give proper credit to the authors, Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and Stephanie South/Red Queen – as well as the website

We thank you for sharing this most important information with the world.


Jacob Wyatt
Operations Manager

Foundation for the Law of Time
“Envisioning the Earth as a Work of Art!”

In lak’ech!

Collective-Evolution – Humanity Is Transforming And Changing – The Great Awakening


      The planet is going through a mass transformation. There are many aspects to this transformation, and in the end one must come to realize the basic building block for global change starts with us, humanity on a collective level, together. We are being called to evolve past our current way of living, tap into our infinite potentiality, let go of our training wheels and fly. We continue to search for external factors like technology and alternative ways to function, which is great. But humanity cannot evolve past its current paradigm unless the souls on Earth themselves change first. From that place of change we can begin to implement new ways of operating on this planet which can propel us past our current limitations and into an existence of abundance, peace , prosperity, and discovery. Humanity must operate from a place of love, peace, cooperation, acceptance and understanding if it is to move on and expand past the current limitations and definitions it has placed upon itself. A portion of the paradigm change we are witnessing on planet Earth today is people waking up to what has really been taking place. This can be a tough process because many humans have been made to believe certain realities are true when they are not. Through the use of mainstream media, education and more, we have been programmed with false ideas and belief systems of how the world and the industries that govern it work. We’ve also been programmed with the idea of how to be, how to act, and what to do in certain situations. This type of programming has taken us away from our soul’s voice, our heart, and our ability to be our true self. We are a young race, and we are only just discovering our hearts now.

    Only a small group of people and the corporations they run are in control of all the world’s resources. When something new comes along and threatens these industries and multinational corporations they put a tremendous amount of effort into concealing and covering up information. A part of this transformation is the apocalypse, which is an ancient Greek word that carries the meaning of “transparency.” This is not always an easy process. Sometimes it is hard for one’s mind to take in certain information when after carrying a specific belief system for almost all of one’s life. We are an infant race of seven billion, separated by many different belief systems. The belief systems that once separated us are beginning to crumble, and we are all coming to the realization of oneness. That’s what we are: one human race. Imagine a race united in knowing instead of separated by belief systems. Someone once said that the mind works best like a parachute, when it is open!

Many find the idea of mass brainwashing hard to believe, but it’s really not. The brain and our consciousness is highly programmable. The way we perceive reality is directly correlated to the reality we create, you can read more about thishere. Throughout human history intellectual authorities have affirmed their supremacy by purposely ridiculing ideas and new concepts of reality that did not fit the accepted framework. They accomplished this by using their position of ‘power’ to dictate, and dispense their resources into brainwashing the public. The best historical example is ancient Rome and Christianity. The elite banned and punished those who did not follow. Even all the way up to recent history when ancient Rome spread its power all over the globe, scientists were sought after and killed while their works were taken and hidden from the public, they were considered heretics. Galileo is a classic example of this.

So how do they do it today? Is it a conspiracy? Well, if you would like to inquire about that, the first question you must as yourself is who is in control now? Who is dictating ‘truth’ to people, how do they do it, and how do we find out what is really going on in the world? After all, nobody can really deny that human beings have an innate desire for knowledge and truth. The only difference is that everybody seeks it using different methods. Some simply believe what they are told, and others search more in depth. Truth can never be hidden, and it is always possible to discover certain aspects of our reality that is kept from the masses.

For quite some time the dominating ‘truth givers’ have come from television programming. It’s no secret that mainstream media sources are extremely manipulating. They are owned by a handful of multinational corporations who we all know are in control of government and governmental policy, such as Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS Corporation, and NBC Universal. What is even more strange is that all of these corporations have connections to each other. Multiple CEO’s and employees are members of the Council On Foreign Relations and all of these organizations always lead up to the same group of families, like the Rockefellers. Does that not make people scratch their heads? I am not asking you to believe me blindly. I take it that this is a known fact. You can browse through our website if you are looking for proof, or you can simply do the research yourself. If you’d like to see an example of these mainstream media connections. you can click  hereget you started. What is even more amusing is that the corporations that own and run the mainstream media also own big oil companies, big pharmaceutical companies, big energy companies, big food companies and more. Basically, a small group of people and the corporations they run own all aspects of our lives. What is becoming more transparent by the day is that everything that surrounds us is not good for us at all.  For example, the food and pharmaceutical industries both complement each other in that one makes us sick and the other treats us. It’s a cycle.

We no longer desire the type of environment that surrounds us daily and we are starting to realize that we can change it any time we want. Change can’t happen in a second. Sometimes our perception gets in the way. What seems like ten or twenty years to some may seem like one second to others. This transformation we are going through is rapid, and it starts with the recognition that many of us here no longer resonate with the current system planet Earth uses to govern itself. This feeling that does not resonate with many has caused many to ‘leave’ the system and begin to create for themselves. It has also encouraged others to begin spreading information to spark more awakening across the world. A massive ripple effect is moving around the planet right now. All we have to do is follow our hearts, let go of the fear to do so. and realize that in these times the Earth is truly our playground. Much Love.

Higher Self – Guided Personal Transformation – Fasting to Awaken Your Body

ChannelHigherSelf·1,601 videos

Your body is designed to operate in a state of perfection — without blocks, confusion, disease or suffering. But few people have truly mastered this process. To bring you closer to the state of perfect health, this video teaches humanity’s most ancient and effective physical health technique: fasting.

Fasting is the process of abstaining from eating material food for a period of time. Every night your body naturally fasts. In fact, the first meal of the day is called ‘breakfast’ because this food breaks (or ends) your fast. When we fast, the body enters a state of internal cleansing, detoxification, and non-physical energy absorption. The foods that we eat require a lot of energy to break down, digest and transform. When we fast, that extra energy is redirected for healing and cellular regeneration.

Few people understand the power and importance of fasting. In this you will learn how fasting resets your body’s biological processes — returning your body to a natural state of balance and perfection. During a fast your body removes all unnecessary and disease-causing matter. After fasting, your body’s intelligence is activated to help you make better food choices. Fasting even increases your spiritual energy (prana, chi, qi) and mental powers of concentration, intuition and psychic abilities.

This Higher Self channeled video will teach you about fasting as part of the Personal Master process. Because fasting is such a large and important subject, I also recommend another video that I have created called Very Detailed Instructions for Water Fasting and Detoxification. You can find this video on YouTube or

Every week, Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self will guide you deeper into the self mastery and personal transformation process. Featuring practical information and direct methods to help you develop the skills necessary to master your human experience. This video series covers all parts of our spiritual selves — Consciousness, Spirit, mind, emotion, energy, chakras, physical body and external world. The goal of this Higher Self video series is to guide you into spiritual states of awakening, reaching complete mastery of the human experience — as we live as spiritually enlightened beings in this human world.

Many blessings and much Love!

Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self

April 24, 2013

Higher Self Guided Personal Transformation — Step 16: Fasting to Awaken Your Body’s Intelligence

These Higher Self Teachings are presented by Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self. Since 2007 Lincoln has shared over 1,000 free spiritual teachings to help humanity understand themselves more deeply and transform their creative expressive in alignment with Divine Love. The Higher Self Teachings are a unique spiritual path that will align you directly with your Higher Self within, increasing the experience of Divine Love, eternal peace and creative power.

To learn more about Channel Higher Self, please visit:

To watch more videos from the Satsang with the Self series, visit:

For personal Higher Self Channeling sessions, visit:

To purchase books or meditation CDs, visit:

Rainbow of Lights Dispensation

heliohah111·55 videos

Greetings from Mel and Mike of The Rainbow of Lights Dispensation represents a frequency of light being emanated from the Elders Surrounding The Throne of Grace. These beautiful beings represent the 12 Rays of God who direct the Spectrum of Light to be infused within Gaia through the Ray Chohans. They are making their presence more known on a personal level.

This activation occurs every New Moon in Rainbows of Colors to each person on this planet representing each of the 12 Rays of God:

Blue – Will & Power
Golden Yellow – Love and Wisdom
Deep Pink – Active Intelligence
Crystalline – Harmony & Balance
White with Green & Gold – Science of Knowledge of God
Ruby with Gold – Inner Devotion
Purple with Violet – Ceremonial Magic
Seafoam Green – Higher Cleansing & Resurrection
Blue-Green – Attraction to the Body of Light
Pearlescent – Masculine & Feminine Coming into Balance
Pink-Orange – Bridge to the New World
Gold – Activating the Christ Consciousness

Enjoy integrating the Rainbow of Lights..

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What we do: Fifth Dimensional Mastery Teachings
~ Ascension Science and Soul Psychology Teachings expanding the work of Dr. Joshua David Stone and the Melchizedek Ascended Master trainings.
~ Pure Channel of the Spiritual Hierarchies, Mentors for the New Earth “Terra Christa”
~ Tele-Seminars, Personal Sessions, Meditations on Clearing, Increasing and Protecting your Light Body

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In expressions of Oneness,
Mel and Mike
Rev. Christine Meleriessee ~ Mike Hayden

Mooji ◦ Simply “I Am” in this Moment of Presence

EternalWisdomNow·75 videos

This is Advaita Jivanmukti aka AwakanedBeingness revived!…
We’ll be back. Coming soon. ;o)

~ Blessings to You ~

Mooji gently guides those at Satsang in Port Chester,New York, into the unassociated state of “Simply I Am”. Some would call this a guided meditation; Mooji refers to this as being simply here in pure un-associated awareness. Mooji often says that the highest joy of the Being is to contemplate itself, so perhaps this could be called a ‘guided comtemplation’. The music “Winding Back Thru You” is generously provided by Parson-McNamara in service to truth, and is the perfect backdrop for this no-distance-journey back to the natural state.

Lilian Eden – Meet Your Spirit Guide

EdensCloset·17 videos

*Please ensure you turn off your devices – those devices that can disturb you while you listen (rings, beeps, tings, etc..). Headphones may enhance your listening pleasure. *
*Ensure you are comfortable, wearing loose fitting clothing (nothing tight) and you may need a blanket/throw as your body temperature drops while in a meditative state.
*Open your mind and heart… A new way to live is now… Awesomeness awaits you…*

Lilian Eden assists you through a unique process where endless possibilities await. This powerful guided process will help you live a life from another perspective- one where you know you are not alone. This process is not only a path of discovery unlike any other, its powerful effect/affect will be felt long after you have listened. If you are on the path of self-discovery or seeking to discover mind expanding awareness/activities (development of your guidance systems), “Meet Your Spirit Guide” is for you.

** Some people go through this process to be introduced to new Spirit Entities and or to meet with their existing guide(s). **

Lilian Eden (Spiritual Teacher/Medium, Author, Television Personality)

Patricia Cota-Robles – Integrating the I AM Presence

PatriciaCotaRobles·10 videos

Integrating the I AM Presence
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Water Consciousness – The Shape of Love – Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Work

Felipe Alexander·189 videos

Does prayer actually work? Is there a powerful force taking place when one person prays to another person? The beauty of this is that, there is.

I invite you to take a journey with me and explore the unimaginable world of focused prayer. Through the foundational work layed out by world renowned water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto, we begin to see that water is alive, it is intelligent and it is conscious.

This film is dedicated to others out there who know of the importance of healing our water, to expand this idea presented before you and to forward the knowledge to the greater whole of the planet.

Soundtracks used in this film:

1. Neverwinter Nights OST – Heart of the Forest by Jeremy Soule…

2. Neverwinter Nights OST – Forest by Jeremy Soule…

Dr. Masaru Emotos book The Hidden Messages in Water…

James Pask – A Healers Journey – From Ascension to Incension – by George Kavassilas

SuperWooRadio·11 videos

James shares his amazing journey into self discovery and knowledge of self-healing through non-traditional methods; using the readily available physical and spiritual nutrition of the Earth to resolve core health issues within people. We also discuss in great detail the limitations of the new age healing modalities as we deconstruct the cosmic matrix that is enslaving our human family through programs of enchanted entrapment. Are 4D healing techniques that require external energy (“white light”, “universal light”, “source light”, etc.) to be brought inside you, actually energetically tagging us for harvest? To find out listen to this incredibly powerful episode of Super Woo radio. George also discusses the some of the key ingredients that he used to overcome a decade of severe illness. This one’s a paradigm breaker! Enjoy.

James Pask website

Bashar – Your Higher Self Will Never Give Up

truthshallsety0ufree·87 videos

Listen to your higher self and receive guidance to achieve what you were meant to do in this world!

Drunvalo Melchizedek – by Pablo Arellano

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Pablo Arellano·151 videos

Drunvalo is the author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one, The Mayan Ouroboros. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

He has been on television and the Internet, and written about in magazines, newspapers and books all over the world.

Having left the United States over 280 times, Drunvalo is a world traveler helping people understand their intimate connection to God.

Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba.

He is a consultant for the international Internet magazine, Spirit of Maat, with over 1 million viewers each year.

He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries.

He has now founded his newest (and complete) teaching in a facility called School of Remembering with the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teachers who are beginning their global work. Recently the school exceeded 1000 live workshops held worldwide with an average of almost 3 a day added to the calendar.

Drunvalo graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in fine arts. He also has a minor in physics and math with only one quarter to finish his degree.

He lives in Sedona, Arizona with his loving wife Claudette. He has six grandchildren.

Ron Van Dyke – 04-04-2013 – Love Is Revolutionary

Ron Van Dyke·847 videos

My mentor in the 1980s was Dr. Bruce L. Morgan. In his time, he was a revolutionary man. He was a radical fundamentalist preacher who saw Carl Jung as the major prophet of the 20th Century, much to the chagrin of the Bible thumpers. He gave a series of lectures in The Tabernacle Church of Melbourne around 1982, the year before I moved to Florida. It was called: Environments That Encourage Growth. The central theme of the messages was that LOVE is the key ingredient to healthy spiritual growth. I still believe that is true; and I have seen it in The Workshops that I’ve attended regularly. However, in our human culture, love is seen as weakness and often discouraged. To me, this is the single most important factor that must change if we are to experience peace on earth. That is why the OPPT is so revolutionary with it’s emphasis on loving as unconditionally as possible. Being and doing from a loving heart is our way home … I believe our only way home.

Equinox Gateway Light – Is Here

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A new form of light is coming in through interdimensional portals and increasing steadily. It is PURE SOURCE LIGHT INTELLIGENCE. This is the activation of Solar Cosmic consciousness that provides the resurrection of our DNA, and moves us into 5D ascension.

For Ascension support, visit

Abraham Hicks – Jesus – Higher Levels Of Consciousness

vio77X·275 videos

Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop : San Diego – 2009.09.19 . All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:

How do you know when higher consciousness guides you?

EckhartTeachings·93 videos

Question for Eckhart: How do you know when higher consciousness guides you?